As a once only exercise, establish the farm reference sprayer settings:
air-flow, forward speed and nozzles (flow rate, type, number and position).
The farm reference sprayer should be set for the selected fruit (i.e. standard orchard
where efficient use is made of the spraying product when it is applied at the recommended label dose rate).
The pome fruit standard is an orchard with a tree-height of 3m, row-spacing of 3.5m and std branch-density.
Some farms may not have an orchard of this specification, however, it is still recommended that the standard is used
to establish the farm reference sprayer settings even if these are hypothetical.
Select the type, number and position of the nozzles
to give appropriate adjustment of spray height and water volume
application rate across the full range of target orchards.
The practice of making air-flow adjustment to different orchards is not widespread amongst
fruit growers in the UK.
Ideally, the air-flow should be adjusted to obtain spray plume penetration of the
tree-row on either side of the sprayer, without producing excessive spray beyond this target.
If the spray plume does not produced sufficient penetration of the tree-row this may increase
deposit variation, reduce treatment efficacy and it may be necessary to compensate the applied dose.
Acceptable work rates can be achieved with a forward speed of 6.5 kmph (4 mph) for typical
spraying conditions in the UK.
If possible avoid making excessive variation of forward speed as this can
cause variation of spray plume height, canopy penetration and deposit.